Tag: kindergarten

My Kids Grew Up In Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

My Kids Grew Up In Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

My kids were immersed in Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. They loved it. And not because it was the only TV show I (usually) allowed during their pre-school years. They were riveted. And so was I. Here I was all grown up, and I felt like Mister Rogers was talking to me. ...Read More
In the schoolyard: R.I.P. Here lies imagination

In the schoolyard: R.I.P. Here lies imagination

“My legs have hiccups.” That’s how my daughter described muscle twitches at age three. “There a melted rainbow on that truck.” That’s her four-year-old description of a colorful array of fuzzy, blended images. “It’s the same sky over Milwaukee as in Michigan. God just spreads it over us all like...Read More