Tag: Marquette University

Journalists Mark Doremus & Karen Slattery—Using Stories as Gateways, Part 2

Journalists Mark Doremus & Karen Slattery—Using Stories as Gateways, Part 2

Nothing is more bittersweet than meeting wonderful new people who were mutual friends of somebody you lost. In the spring of 2019, I had the distinct honor of interviewing my dear friend and neighbor Judith Williams for the purpose of sharing her life story on my blog. My four posts...Read More
Journalists Mark Doremus & Karen Slattery—Using Stories as Gateways

Journalists Mark Doremus & Karen Slattery—Using Stories as Gateways

Wallowing in the wake of George Floyd’s horrific, untimely death and the divisiveness in our nation over racism, I emailed my dear African American friend Brad, whom I’ve known since high school. I asked him this: “What means the most to you when you hear how white people against racism...Read More