Tag: tall tales

American Blue Laws #3: A man may not purchase a hat unless his wife is with him

American Blue Laws #3: A man may not purchase a hat unless his wife is with him

What’s the ugliest hat you’ve ever seen? Have you ever seen a hat so annoying, gaudy, or repulsive that you just wanted to rip it off someone’s head? Time for more speculation. Do you have any ideas why it would be illegal for a man to purchase a hat without his...Read More
Blue Laws #2: Don’t Shave on Main Street or Catch Lizards at Night

Blue Laws #2: Don’t Shave on Main Street or Catch Lizards at Night

On this Memorial Day weekend, besides remembering those who have died in military service, it’s only fitting to also recall tidbits of American history. Tidbits in the form of Blue Laws. Last time we pondered the idea of why donkeys aren’t allowed to sleep in bathtubs. But have you ever wondered...Read More
American Blue Laws #1:  Donkeys are not allowed to sleep in bathtubs

American Blue Laws #1: Donkeys are not allowed to sleep in bathtubs

Have you ever wondered why you don’t see donkeys sleeping in bathtubs?   Me neither. But supposedly, in Brooklyn, New York, most likely in the 1800s, somebody put this law into effect. That raises an important question. What in the world happened in Brooklyn that required the making of this...Read More