Tag: Walt Disney

Walt Disney’s Hometown—Where the Magic Began—Part 4

Walt Disney’s Hometown—Where the Magic Began—Part 4

I have always loved miniatures. As kids, my sister and I built our own houses and apartments for our Liddle Kiddles dolls--much smaller than Barbies. I'm fascinated by the Thorne rooms at the Chicago Art Institute. I love wandering into stores that sell miniatures, and I enjoyed my daughter’s dollhouses,...Read More
Walt Disney’s Hometown–Where the Magic Began–Part 3

Walt Disney’s Hometown–Where the Magic Began–Part 3

In the summer of 1946, Walt Disney returned to his beloved Marceline, Missouri on a secret mission--with a camera. Only later did townsfolk find out why.  During that visit, the concept of Disneyland, you might say, was merely a twinkle in Walt’s eye. But when Disneyland was unveiled in 1955,...Read More
Walt Disney’s Hometown—Where the Magic Began—Part 2

Walt Disney’s Hometown—Where the Magic Began—Part 2

Though Walt Disney spent fewer than five years in Marceline, they were formative years filled with people, events, and activities that remained pleasantly vivid in his memory his whole life.  Those positive memories took him back to Marceline many times over the decades:  Summer, 1946---Walt’s secret mission (learn more next...Read More
Walt Disney’s Hometown—Where the Magic Began—Part 1

Walt Disney’s Hometown—Where the Magic Began—Part 1

As I write this (May 31, 2019), Galaxy’s Edge is opening in Disneyland---fourteen acres devoted to creating a Star Wars experience. Another one will open at Disney World on August 29.  These Disney parks constantly change and expand, depending on new Disney studio movie releases, or, in this case, purchasing...Read More
There Really is Magic at Disney World

There Really is Magic at Disney World

Once upon a time---1906, actually---in Marceline, Missouri, there was a splendid cottonwood tree sprawled over one area of a family farm. Leaves rippled with the breezes. Birds basked among the branches. Its shadow brought refuge from blistering hot days.  One young boy and his sister regularly escaped to its embrace....Read More